As an evolving and expanding organization, BRAID is looking for new members who extend our disciplinary and/or demographic reach, within the framework of research and education in climate and marine science. Founding members were part of a network developed by the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program, and the alliance grew as more people became interested and filled essential roles. At present, members represent four types of organizations:
- Minority Serving Institutions with an interest or programs in climate or marine science
- Woods Hole Research Institutions
- Other educational or research organizations with an interest in equity in STEM
- Racial equity scholars collaborating as a cohort of color
BRAID members are active, typically participating in proposal efforts and/or working groups, and attending annual symposia and occasional workshops.
If you are interested in becoming a member, send an email to and a representative of the Leaders Team will contact you to discuss how you and your organization might contribute to, and benefit from, BRAID.